IDEP Foundation

IDEP’s New Vision, Missions, Work Values and Strategic Plan

In line with the spirit of becoming a growing organization, IDEP held a Strategic Planning Meeting for incoming period of 2019-2024 on 16-18 December 2018. The meeting that took place at Nusa Penida was intended to be able to produce work plans that have a strong impact and are relevant to the dynamics in the community, at least for the next five years. Within three days, this meeting was attended by all IDEP personels, including the Board of Governoors and Supervisor, the Executives, all staffs from all over Indonesia and partners.

IDEP families after the Strategic Planning Meeting (Photo: Gde Sugiarta)

This strategic planning has actually started since October 2018. Through plenary sessions in each department, IDEP staffs were given the freedom to critically propose an organization’s strategic plan based on their experience, findings, analysis and projections. The proposed document was then sharpened at the three-day meeting.

At the end of the day, the participatory planning meeting did not only result a five-year Strategic Plan. The meeting even began with the review of the vision, mission and work values ​​adopted by the organization. Through rigorous analysis and discussion, IDEP finally agreed on the renewal vision, mission and work values ​​of the organization as listed below:

IDEP’s Vision:

Resilient life in harmony with nature

IDEP’s missions:

1. Strengthening
community resilience

2. Encouraging the sovereignty of local natural resources

3. Preserve the environment and culture

4. Increasing community capacity

5. Strengthening institutions and networks with various parties

Work values:

1. Sustainability

2. Active without violence

3. Community-based and focus on vulnerable groups

4. Non-partisan

5. Self sufficiency

6. Effective and efficient

7. Adaptive and strategic

8. Accountability and transparency

9. Communicative, solutive, and innovative

10. Equality and gender justice

The renewal vision, mission and work values ​​will become IDEP’s foundation in real work with the community in the future. Furthermore, it was then developed into IDEP’s Strategic Plan 2019-2023. After tidying up to make it feasible to run, the strategic plan document will be displayed to the public as soon as possible.

IDEP would like to express it’s gratitude and appreciation to all those who have collaborated and supported IDEP to continue to grow and “helping people to help themselves” for the past five years. IDEP hopes that the collaboration and support will continue in order to encourage a “resilient life in harmony with nature”. (Ed)
