IDEP is an icon in disaster management in Indonesia. They have made an enormous contribution to strengthening Indonesia’s pool of humanitarian workers who have joined together to bring about better-prepared communities Indonesia wide. IDEP provides high quality trainings that are based on years of direct field experience in disaster management and Permaculture. IDEP’s trainings and resource materials are well proven to be extremely effective.
H. Iskandar Leman
Deputy Secretary General
Masyarakat Penanggulangan Bencana Indonesia (MPBI)
Yayasan IDEP provided training services to IOM in Yogyakarta during June, 2007. IDEP conducted an excellent Training of Trainers program which equipped IOM staff with the necessary knowledge to work at the grassroots level in Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM). The comprehensive training modules were highly engaging for the participants and enabled them to work effectively with at-risk communities.
Ashley Carl
Project Coordinator/Country Officer
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
The IDEP training team and related media provided our staff with a concrete plan for how to raise awareness and motivate villages in Simeulue to carry out disaster management. IDEP provided on-site training, catering to the specific needs of the program’s communities and assistance in creating and implementing plans for connecting the district-level government to village disaster management groups and plans. They were extremely helpful, flexible and dependable.
Jordan Hoffmann
Head of Programmes Simeulue
CARE International Indonesia
IDEP’s unique approach to training not only provides a deeper understanding of the theories and principles of the topics trained, but how to actually implement the knowledge in practical ways, appropriate for the context and environment where it will be used.
Kadek Agus Suwesnawa
Greenpeace International
Freelance trainer
Yayasan IDEP’s trainings were very different from other training that I experienced. Through the IDEP training, we built our own community’s capacities, using local resources for disaster preparedness.
Made Sumiartha
Leader of Community Disaster Management Team Nusa Ceningan
I was very satisfied with IDEP’s GreenHands Permaculture training. It has provided us with new, better ways to grow nutritious food and establish small enterprises in our community.
Ibu Nani
Leader of Women’s Cooperative
Jantho, Aceh Besar
The combination of practical applications an classroom session is good and the split between the two is just right, it keep the whole day interesting.
English workshop on permaculture participant
The training that we had from IDEP was very helpful in raising the capacity in disaster response. What really precious in the training that it is very practical. There are a lot of things that we learn about the disaster preparedness and how to do it with community participation. Now we are no longer depend to much on external sources.
Made Sandiyasa
Leader of Community Disaster Management Team
Desa Pupuan, Tegalalang, Gianyar
IDEP Foundation gave me a lot and I am sure, it will influence the decisions for to my future ways. All in all thanks for the inspiriting time I had at IDEP.
Fynn Suryo von Kistowski
Volunteer at IDEP from December 2011 to February 2012