With the technical assistance of University Politeknik Negeri Bali (PNB)
We are calling on all Balinese civil, business, political and spiritual leadership,
on all people who depend on and benefit from Bali’s water
to take action in saving and protecting its freshwater.
The province of Bali is facing a major ecological crisis (please see Annex 1 for details) While the province of Bali is known worldwide for its great natural beauty, the conditions that have allowed during centuries abundance in its resources and freshwater in particular, are facing today an alarming situation. Discussion with farmers and reports from governmental and academic institutions show:
• Diminishing and/or disappearing freshwater water tables
- Bali’s water table has dropped over 50 meters in some areas in a little less than 10 years and numerous wells are running dry or with foul water, particularly in the South of the main island;
- Lake Buyan (Bali’s second largest natural reserve of freshwater) has dropped 3.5 meters in 3 years and 5 meters by 2012;
- 60% of Bali's water catchments are drying up.
• Salt water intrusion into freshwater aquifers
- (See blue circles on the map): one of the rare ecological situations forever non-reversible which results from excessive withdrawal of freshwater compared to replenishment rates; this means potential dependence on desalinated / RO water if the situation is not rapidly addressed.
• Water quality/pollution issues
- Ayung River and Pakerisan River downgraded from “Class II” - suitable for water-sports to “Class III” - suitable for agriculture;
- Improper sanitation and sewage treatment;
- In 2006 that twenty-one rivers had pollution levels ranging from minus 30 to minus 70, with 0 considered a safe level, both due to domestic and industrial waste;
- Excessive use of chemicals in agriculture causes great contamination.
What we propose
Bali Water Protection Program (BWP) proposes to impulse freshwater resilience and good practice throughout the province through 3 sub-programs: 1. “Adopt a Well” (77.23% of total budget) in association with the university PNB, build (and/or rehabilitate in some cases when appropriate) a total of 136 rainwater-fed gravity open wells and filters (please see Annex 2) which are to serve as rapid freshwater replenishment areas in 13 critical areas of the province (5 islands total). Including:
- The production of a manual with wells and filters option blueprints;
- The training of 10 construction/rehabilitation supervisors.
2. “Adopt a River” (17.17% of total budget) aims to protect the ocean from receiving trash by fostering nurturing of the rivers. We are inviting 9-12 years old children living along 11 rivers (these rivers have largest watersheds, superior to 100 km2 and belong to the 162 total rivers whose mouth ends in the ocean) to become ‘river ambassadors’ by providing 2 sessions of water education over 2 days.
- 12 schools per rivers are targeted, 4 schools at the beginning of the rivers, 4 schools in the middle and 4 schools at the mouth of the rivers for a total of 132 schools Including: donation to each schools of:
- 10 bi-lingual comics about water and general ecology
- 3 teacher’s aids poster on water.
3. “Adopt Water” (5.61% of total budget) aims to raise awareness among the general public about the importance to protect, respect and nurture the water resource through a media campaign during 1 year:
- 1 article per month about water-related issues in local provincial newspapers
- One 30-minutes TV Talk Show per month with the broadcasting of a short Public Service Announcement film
- 10 large water information banners displayed intermittently at high-traffic points in the province.
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Please see our fundraising campaign and share it with your network: https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/5zytb.
For program framework and information, please consult or download the PDF documents below.
Click here to download the document
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Click here to download the document