This year, Yayasan IDEP Selaras Alam has cooperated with Sampoerna Foundation in two initiatives: restoring habitat by planting trees in several locations around Indonesia and build earthquake resistant houses for poor communities in Bali.
Within the earthquake resistant house building program, on Thursday the 8th of November 2012, IDEP Foundation and Sampoerna Foundation, along with local government representatives from Bali Governor, BPBD, BK3S, Social Department , BIMAS Polri, Babinsa TNI, have held a ceremony to celebrate the handover of house keys from the donor to the beneficiary families.
In the district of Karangasem and Buleleng, Bali, some of the houses have already been built, by following specific criteria and building techniques that consider the quality of the material, the structure of the building as well as the expertise of the builder. While there will be more houses to come in the incoming months, in order to support sustainability, the beneficiaries will be also trained and helped to develop an organic garden next to the newly built house.
Until June 2013 we expect 20 earthquake resistant house builders to be trained, and 45 household to be supported with a new and safer house along with an alternative sustainable food source for the family.
If you want to know more about earthquake safe houses please visit Rumah Aman Gempa or IDEP Foundation website.