IDEP Foundation

Ecological Assessment Kapuas Hulu: Understanding the Local Ecological Context in Order to Design Appropriate Project Interventions

Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan Indonesia is well known for its rich biodiversity. According to data from CIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research) [¹], the Kapuas Hulu district span a total area of 29,842 km2, with 74% of this region consisting of tropical rainforest, and this forested area is designated as protected. This explains why, in 2018, Kapuas Hulu (Betung Kerihun Danau Sentarum Kapuas Hulu) was designated as a UNESCO Man-and-the-Biosphere (MaB) Reserve.

In the first semester of 2023, the GRASS (Greening Agricultural Smallholder Supply Chains) project which is targeting several regions within Kapuas Hulu district, conducted a study to assess the ecological conditions in three target areas of Kapuas Hulu (north, central, and southwest). The study aimed to generate information about the ecological conditions of the three areas and to document the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the target communities within these areas. Subsequently, the results of the study will be used in the formulation of strategies for support to strengthen smallholder farmer resilience in six sub-districts in Kapuas Hulu through approaches such as permaculture and regenerative agriculture.

Using both qualitative and quantitative study methods, the assessment focused on collecting data related to biodiversity, soil health, water conservation, carbon sequestration, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. It identifies areas for improvement in the agricultural systems and proposes strategies to enhance sustainability, environmental management, and community livelihoods based on the existing potential in each location.

The report describes aspects of the current state of biodiversity, ecology, sustainable agriculture, local socio-cultural practices, and the sustainable economy in Kapuas Hulu, including the level of awareness among the community regarding those aspects. Moreover, the results also emphasize the need for improvements in community knowledge, attitudes, and practical implementation. Please read the full report here.

[¹] Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR):

Author: Dorpaima Lumban Gaol, Communications and Knowledge Management Adviser, GIZ GRASS
