Earthquakes, liquefaction, and landslides that happened in Central Sulawesi make a lot of damage to infrastructure and fatalities. Emergency response is not enough. Post-disaster condition is also important because it impacts to community existence, such as social, economic, ecological, and psychology. Therefore, recovery and rehabilitation efforts in post-disaster are really important.
Some of the activities that IDEP Foundation did start from small scale to bigger community. One of them is family strengthening efforts through mothers. The participant who involves in this program is family that includes in Disaster Management Community Groups (KMPB). They will join Household Industry Product (PIRT) to increase family capacity.
Household Industry Product development is IDEP efforts to make community resilience of Central Sulawesi. To achieve this goal, it means to make the community could fulfill their needs independently. It can be reached when mothers were given a role in protecting themselves and their families.
Manifest Family Resilience Through PIRT
Training that involves mothers from six villages in Palu and Donggala focused on family efforts to develop their enterprise, started from production, marketing, and PIRT licenses. Product from the housing industry not necessarily circulating without testing from health aspects. Therefore, IDEP collaborates with the Food and Drugs Monitoring Agency (BPOM) of Palu to bring some presentations about producing good and safe housing food.
After producing good housing food, mothers are involving to think about how to promote their products. So training that held in Rama Palu Hotel was invited Cooperative & UMKM (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) Agency to share some information about promoting products.
Good products and targeting in Indonesia are not enough, the entrepreneur needs to get legality for their enterprise. When determining to make an enterprise, an entrepreneur needs to qualify several requirements so they can get PIRT licenses. Therefore, the center of enterprise service (PLUT) in this training was really helpful.
Sustainability of Household Enterprise
PIRT license is legality that given by the government. This license also becomes a step of empowerment for an entrepreneur to develop their enterprise.
In this PIRT training, Government Agency allows all of the participants to submit their enterprise and get the license. Steps that must be done are to fill the business identification number (NIB), enterprise license, and Commercial license through Operation Support System (OSS). Then, participants will involve as legal entrepreneurs accompanied by the Cooperative & UMKM (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) Agency. (Gd)