For five days, starting from 16 to 20 July, IDEP Foundation ran a Permaculture Introduction Training. This is the first training in 2018. As run by Sayu Komang, one of the trainers is also IDEP’s Foundation Program Coordinator, this training is very different.
“This is the first time, we at IDEP Foundation invite some external trainers to organise a training. And this can provide new colors due to the different methodology and as well as knowledge offered by those trainers. For example, differently with previous training, there is a discussion about Subak related to the Balinese culture in this one,” explained Sayu.
If in the previous experience Sayu often became a single trainer, then in this training she shared the place and complement each other with six other trainers. The trainers are I Made Chakra (Tri Hita Karana Foundation), Krisna Waworuntu (Kw Kreasi), Kadek Suardika and Feny Fy (Emas Hitam Indonesia Foundation), Brandon Bodi (Wooven Earth) and Doni Marmer (IDEP Foundation). Each trainers comes with extensive knowledge and experience related to the application of permaculture. This is like reaffirming Sayu’s earlier statement about the new colors of the training.
In addition to diverse trainers, this training also took place in three different locations. Other than IDEP Training Center as the main site, several sessions were also conducted at Kw Kreasi Permaculture Garden and Tri Hita Karana Foundation’s Permaculture House. On the sidelines of the training session, Krisna Waworuntu who runs Kw Kreasi Permaculture Garden called this as landscape sharing. “This is what makes this training unique because participants can get various learning experience that comes from different places,” he continued.
In terms of participants, the 25 people participated in the training came from a wide range of backgrounds. In addition to participants who came from various regions in Indonesia, there were also who came from Timor Leste and France. Of the 25 people, there were farmers, chiefs of village, corporate managers and employees, government officials, village midwives, community facilitators, teachers, NGO representatives, youth organizations representatives and students. With such a diverse background, the discussions in each session were getting richer as each participant also shared experiences related to the findings and challenges they experienced back at their community.
Throughout the five days, participants were invited to learn together about philosophy, ethics and the principle of permaculture. Derivatively, participants were invited to learn permaculture in natural composting, soil rehabilitation, land management, integrated pest management, water cycle and Subak irrigation system, seed sovereignty, integrated livestock and fishery systems, honey bee management, appropriate technology application, post-harvesting product development and social permaculture development for sustainability. The materials are presented with the composition of both theory and practice that go hand in hand. In this way, the five-day learning environment was always in demand by the participants.
At the end of the training, armed with the learning experience gained from the training, the participants were guided to formulate follow-up plans that will be implemented in each of their places. The follow-up plan was then presented in order to be sharpened, either by the facilitator or by other participants.
Ida Rahayu, a participant who is also a teacher, spontaneously revealed her impression just before the training officially closed. “Thank you very much. It’s a very and truly great experience. And I can not wait to get out and do this (applying permaculture-Red.). Thank you, thank you very much,” she said. (Ed)