IDEP Foundation

Vision, Mission, Values


Vision, Mission, Values

Vision, Mission, Values Resilient life in harmony with nature IDEP’s Mission Strengthening community resilience Encouraging the sovereignty of local natural resources Preserve the environment and culture Increasing community capacityStrengthening institutions and networks with various parties Work Value Sustainability Active without violence Community-based and focus on vulnerable groups Non-partisan Self sufficiency Effective and efficient Adaptive and […]

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IDEP Supporters

If you donated via PayPal please note that IDEP does not recieve a detailed list of donors names to that account, if you would like to insure that your name is listed on this page please send us your proof of payment and name & we will be happy to include you on the donor’s

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Annual Auditors Reports

At IDEP Foundation we prioritize transparency and high standards in handling of funds, and we ensure that all funds are used for their intended purpose in a transparent and accountable manner. Each of our projects have detailed financial statements which donors are welcome to view upon request. IDEP Foundation is independently audited each year by

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How IDEP Began

In 1998, Indonesia entered a phase of severe financial and social crisis. In response, a diverse group of people from Bali got together to discuss how they could best help. The group discussed the growing challenges being faced by Indonesian communities and conducted an evaluation of existing natural and human resources nationwide. They decided to

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Meet the Team

Behind the success of IDEP work in community development are the strong and committed team who are experienced in their field. IDEP currently have 19 staffs as well as International Volunteers. BOARD OF GOVERNORS Desak Nyoman Suarti Luh Gede Saraswati BOARD OF ADVISOR Roberto Hutabarat BOARD OF EXECUTIVE Ni Made Sri Handayani EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Muchamad

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What We Do

IDEP develops and delivers training, community programs and media about sustainable development through Permaculture, and community-based disaster management. For more than a decade IDEP has been delivering practical programs and public education activities to communities in need all over Indonesia. To date the work that has been done has resulted in: Over 10,000 kids joined

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Organic Farming

Organic Farming Organic farming is a practice that reflects Permaculture principles. It is the practice of using renewable techniques to achieve sustainability by means of non-chemical substances. The IDEP Foundation Office in Batuan Kaler is located in an artistic and farming district in Sukawati, Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia. The IDEP grounds include an office building, the

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Seed Saving

With hybrid and Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) seeds flooding into Indonesia and the proliferation of GMO products globally, a viable alternative to this potentially catastrophic technology was clearly needed Multi-national corporations involved in the GMO industry often use biased and misleading promotional materials, and access to clear information about GMO’s in the Indonesian language is

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Waste Management

With the drastic increase of foreign tourists who visit Bali annually and the rapid growth of the local population due to vast development. The Bali administration is currently facing a very tough job managing its mountains of garbage – both industrial and domestic. To increase community awareness about the enormous waste management problems being faced

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