For over two years, the world has faced an uncertain situation due to COVID-19. However, slowly community began to adapt and bounce back with all the innovations to survive. Communities in Indonesi...
That afternoon, beneath a cloudy March sky, we pulled up at the entrance to one of the densest villages in Denpasar. Not long after, a woman riding a motorcycle with a basket perched on the back st...
Siti Fadillah and her husband are always together, caring for their children and earning a living. After taking the children to school, they went to Kutuh Buah Market to sell porridge and chicken s...
Bali Water Protection (BWP) attended Singapore International Water Week 2022 (17-21 April), Asia’s first large-scale water show since the pandemic. Along with the co-located event CleanEnviro Sum...
Farmers in Subak Keloncing, Tabanan prefer to grow local paddy rather than paddy from prime seeds from the industry. Wayan Watera–Pekaseh Subak Keloncing–said, "We ever plant prime seeds in the...
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