(+62) 361 9082983

Recently, two children of the couple, Nyoman Noviani and Kadek Astawa experienced seizures. That is one sign that their children have epilepsy. They had long been aware of the illness of these two ...

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Selama lima tahun menjalin kerjasama dengan IDEP, kelompok petani di Desa Pedawa bisa turut mencoba berbagai variasi tanaman sayuran dan buah, serta mengembangkannya. Beragamnya benih yang mereka t...

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When the spike in COVID-19 cases rose in July-August 2021, Bali was one of the provinces with the highest number. Some health facilities have difficulty meeting the needs of medical equipment, both...

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The crisis of health equipment often occurs when the number of COVID-19 patients increases. This problem is also experienced by Bumi Sehat Clinic, which has been operated since 2005. "Indeed, we ha...

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Di Luar ekspektasi, uji coba penerapan pertanian sehat dan ramah lingkungan seluas 10 are di Subak Catur Angga, Tabanan menghasilkan panen yang memuaskan. 

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IDEP Foundation | Helping People to Help Themselves

IDEP Foundation | Yayasan IDEP Selaras Alam
Membantu Masyarakat Mandiri
Br. Medahan, Desa Kemenuh, Sukawati
Gianyar - Bali
Telp. +62 361 9082983




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